Tuesday, May 16, 2006

First week

Well, week 1 at Pearl is behind me. It's great working on new code again, amazing how much happier I am not looking at code that sells pictures on the internet. Seriously, 2 of the last 3 years were great, but things went downhill real quick last March and the past year was fraught with the disasters of losing just about everything...damn you Pissing and Moaning for passing me up on that, guess practice makes perfect....

Anyway, very happy with work now, though there are odd things about this place I have to get used to. Dressing up sucks. I feel like a real professional now instead of a bum who is horribly overpaid. I can't eat lunch at my desk here, which I can't get over. I've eaten lunch at my desk almost every day since high school and I hate sitting in a cafeteria to eat. Just wasting good productive time. I have to have a picture ID when I walk around the building. There's only 10 people that works for Pearl Tech, I think we know each other! But, if that's all that's wrong then I've no doubt I made the right choice.

I started my daughter on the long road to gambling addictions this weekend. She went all in on a bluff, sadly I had a straight, and she lost her allowance. Is it wrong that I'm happy I won the hand?? Probably, but since I'm the allowance giver I was just getting my money back.

Well, sad as it sounds, I started this a couple days ago and am just now hitting submit. Sorry that the post wasn't witty or comical.

Oh, Oreo, did you get that waitresses number at my going away party? I know she got yours, wondering if y'all hooked up ;)


Blogger Oreo said...

Hey yo, I got her nubmer, but she's been kinda flaky about meeting up. I think maybe I came on too strong. Come to the gaem tonight and I can give it to you. I'll also see about getting you the CSI episode. I think I can burn it before the game. Anything else you want on it?

11:48 AM  

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