Monday, April 24, 2006

Piling it on

For some odd reason I generally try to heap on as much stress as possible. It's not enough to just be starting a new job in a couple of weeks (very stressed about that decision, btw), but now I've decided it is time to file for divorce as well. I'm going in Thursday to do that, which Keri doesn't know yet, so keep it hush-hush. I was going to tell her over the weekend, but she couldn't find the time in her busy schedule to talk for 15 minutes and got pissy because I wouldn't tell her over IM.

It's been 14 months since I left her...the first several months she tried to get me to move back in, then when it finally worked she said no. The past 10 months have been some weird game of back and forth that has really messed us both up. On the bright side, we finally have a good level of hate going on now that will ensure a messy divorce :)

I tell myself that I should hold off until the results of her job interview Wednesday at Cat come back since I may be shooting myself in the foot with the divorce now, but honestly, how long am I supposed to stay married to someone just because divorce is expensive? I'd much rather have it done and over with so I can get on with my life instead of feeling like I have to make it work with her because we're legally married. Plus, I feel Samantha needs to know that we're done trying and that this is the way it is.

So, the big question now is whether or not I try to get anything back. You see, I gave her everything when I left...everything in the house, including the equity, so that I could ease some of my guilt. That guilt is gone (...just erased an especially nasty comment of why...), and rather than go further into debt replacing those things I think she can probably afford to start replacing some herself. I do miss my 54" TV, after all!!

Do I sound bitter? Yeah, I probably am...but I have to embrace it and let it make me strong enough to go through with this. I left her because I couldn't put up with her bitchy ways any more, and she's only gotten worse, so why not be bitter? There's a light in this tunnel and I'm running towards it!

On the bright side, a trip to Texas this weekend. The last time was very interesting, this time should be tamer considering I'm going for a baptism, but it's always a good time.


Blogger GiGi Anders said...

Ted...You get 1/2 of everything. The same way a woman would get 1/2. Why in the hell let your guilt ruin this for you. If you feel guilt...go to church and be forgiven. It's the catholic way! It takes two people to get divorced. And the more that you give, the more that she expects she can get away with. Women are bitches! Mean and hurtful bitches. They will rape you of everything if they can. (not all women are like that...I am a woman, I know women...and they are like that!!!!)

Don't tell her until after she gets the cat job. Hopefully she will. Reed has a good lawyer that will get you what you deserve. Like letting your daughter go to your house after school...makes sense to me. And you should not have to pay for her insurance! Free yourself and get what you deserve...1/2! Get an asshole lawyer and blame him for everything. Oh, it's not me being's my lawyer!

You are a great father and a great person. What happened in the in the past. Just get out and move on...just don't leave your stuff! You do have rights! And you know me...I support people's rights! Sorry this was so long.

1:53 PM  

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