Here's to hoping the grass is greener.
I know what you're thinking, "Where have I seen that headline before?" Well, it's what Jason used when he blogged about his decision to leave the company. Well, not it's my turn. I've accepted a job with a consulting firm here in Peoria and am hoping that the green grass I see over the fence is real and not an illusion.
I've been very comfortable where I am now for a number of years, longer than at any other employ, but lately it's grown a bit stale. The websites are 3 years old and though we're in the beginning stages of redeveloping them, I don't think that the change of code will be enough of a change considering that the site will remain the same. I just sit in my office and try to fix the code that I wrote 3 years ago instead of writing new code that doesn't work!!
So here's to hoping, hope is sometimes all we have, right? The past year has quite possibly been the most tumultuous of my life, what with the seperation, messed up MB story, moving twice, why not add a new job to the mix and see how much I can take before I snap!!!
Gotta run, this new company won't let me wear jeans so I've got some shopping to do...
I've been very comfortable where I am now for a number of years, longer than at any other employ, but lately it's grown a bit stale. The websites are 3 years old and though we're in the beginning stages of redeveloping them, I don't think that the change of code will be enough of a change considering that the site will remain the same. I just sit in my office and try to fix the code that I wrote 3 years ago instead of writing new code that doesn't work!!
So here's to hoping, hope is sometimes all we have, right? The past year has quite possibly been the most tumultuous of my life, what with the seperation, messed up MB story, moving twice, why not add a new job to the mix and see how much I can take before I snap!!!
Gotta run, this new company won't let me wear jeans so I've got some shopping to do...
Congratulations - again - and that was the hardest part for me. I now wear Dockers and Polo shirts to work every day. As far as anything else is concerned, I know they are DEFINITELY going to miss you there.
As far as the grass being greener, you'll know when you get there. Every place has it's upside and downside. Here, my job is more stable but I spend my time more on legacy work. The good is that every September we start new projects and right now I am planning two major projects. There will also be the push from Classic ASP to .NET which is why I was hired in the first place. Still, there is less camraderie here than at DG and you spend less time having fun. Some places actually frown on you sending IM's of funny shit you see on the internet.
Oh well, best of luck and hope the best for ya. Does this mean Aaron takes over or Roman? You know Roman has my vote!
I am sooo happy for you! How could the grass not be greener!
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