Monday, June 25, 2007

Black Belt

Sam and I got our black belts yesterday. It was the shortest (time-wise) test that we've had at about 90 minutes, but we went at a pretty fast and furious pace. I think I lost about 10 pounds of sweat during the testing, but it was well worth it. The best part of the whole experience (including the 3 1/2 years it took to get the black belt) is the free Blizzards Sam and I got from the Chillicothe Dairy Queen after the testing. You see, the guy who owns it also takes Kuk Sool Won and told us to stop by for the celebratory Blizzards.

It'll be 5 years before we can get our 2nd degree belts, not sure if my body will hold out that long, but I'm going to try to find out.


Blogger GiGi Anders said...

Yeah, good for you!!!!!

5:43 PM  

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