Looking for a digital camera
Does anyone know of a good digital camera? The one I bought a couple of XMas's ago for $80 at Walmart proved that it is as good as it cost. It does a great job if you're taking a picture of something that doesn't move in a very bright room, but if you try to take a picture of someone kicking you in the head you get a blurry, grainy dark image that you can't possibly post on your blog.
Sorry to get anyone hope's up, I'll see if I can get my hands on some pics, but so far it's looking like my 4 minutes of embarrassment will go unseen.
Sorry to get anyone hope's up, I'll see if I can get my hands on some pics, but so far it's looking like my 4 minutes of embarrassment will go unseen.
I am actually looking for a good digital point and shoot camera myself! I have a $1000 digital SLR but I need something smaller. And yeah, I don't want a crappy one where it's either overlit, underlit and takes the picture when you push the button...so you can get a picture of someone getting kicked in the head!
I am going to start looking for one. If you find a good one, let me know! I will pay up to $300. And if I find one, I will let you know.
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