Thursday, May 31, 2007


Never expect your 12 year old daughter to talk you out of making a purchase that you know you shouldn't make. Sam and I were at Best Buy over the weekend and noticed that they had just gotten a shipment of the Wii. I tried to get her to talk me out of buying one, but she gave me the puppy dog eyes and pleaded with me to buy it instead. I'm a softy, especially with things that I want to do anyway, and now I'm the semi-proud owner of the Wii.

I try to justify it by telling myself that I'm excercsing when I use it, but I've only broken a sweat once, and I think that's because we had our air conditioner off.

Wii Play is stupid, Wii sports is fun, but the games could be a bit longer (3 inning baseball??). I'm waiting on Gamefly to ship me some games now...Zelda and Rampage, both look pretty cool.

The best is I somehow got it up and running on the big screen upstairs (up til now my video games have been relegated to the basement). Keri wasn't mad, but then she'll be getting the expensive patio furniture this weekend instead of the cheap stuff I was trying to get for her.

The new house has been put on hold again, can't buy a house if I keep spending money on stupid crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't talk you out of it either, I really want to get one.. So envious! The innings and what not could be longer, like tennis.. like 2 set tennis.. blah.. There are a few games on play that are cool, i like the pool and the laser hockey. Haven't played any others so, can't help you there. If you hit and go to the forums, theres a Wii Games thread

with people talking about what they like and dislike about some Wii games, mabye give you some insite on what to rent/buy next.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Oreo said...

You could also get the wii exercise "game" and work out that way.

10:06 AM  
Blogger GiGi Anders said...

Maybe the sports games are short cause they are worried about heart attacks! I mean, these are people who have spent the many years sitting on their sofas...floors...and really cool gaming chairs! They people don't exercise! They eat and play video games all day long!

So once you give them some thing new where they actually have to do the movements instead of just leaning their bodies into the movement of the joystick...There are a few health risks there!

We dont' want Joe Blow, IT guy who drinks coffee and then mountain dew all day, sits on this ass and has gained about 150 lbs in the past 4 years playing games at night to all of a sudden...start jumping up and down for the entire game.

Hense the short games! He can't take 9 innings! Shit, and we all know that once he starts a game, he will have to finish it! THey are worried about the law suits!!!

11:01 AM  

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