Wednesday, June 01, 2005


What is a Mobius Strip?

A continuous one-sided surface that can be formed from a rectangular strip by rotating one end 180° and attaching it to the other end.

Why do I call it Moebius Strip?

Well, Moebius is a valid spelling, but mostly because of a game my friend Sean Chou had when we were in 7th grade. Was a killer ninja game for the Commodore 64. They just don't make games like that anymore. That said, if I played it today I'd probably be as disappointed as I was when I watched Howard The Duck for the first time in 20 years over the weekend.

A Moebius Strip is similar to the symbol used for infinity (, take a look. It's how I see life, a constant cycle leading you back to where you started, no longer how hard you try you tend to end up in the same place, with the same problems, never really getting ahead or falling behind. My friend Amy tells me like I'm Seinfeld...just an "Even Steven". Nothing truly bad happens, or when it does it is almost immediately counterbalanced with something equally as amazing. Still, the amazing always turns bad and the bad generally leads to yet another amazing happening.

So here's my blog. I'm one of you now.

Sadly, the biggest things in my life will probably be avoided here, at least until the legal ramifications of writing them down are lessened. So don't expect rants on my pending divorce, stories of the girl I've been seeing recently, or the location of that unfortunate hitchhiker that I picked up so many years ago.

On the bright side, know that I do hate people in general, and expect people to do something to make me change that initial impression (you're an ass) to one a bit more social (you're a jerk) before I pay them any notice. Not a day goes by where someone doesn't do something to reaffirm my belief that people are, in general, completely obsessed with themselves and have no consideration for the people around them.

My daughter has her first softball game of the year tonight, that's always a prime place to pick the people who further my feelings that the earth wouldn't be so bad if there weren't those damned people ruining it.

Oh, and it's also my belief that anyone with a blog immediately falls into the 'completely obsessed with themselves' category, after all, who really cares if you had to wipe a couple extra times because of the salse you had for dinner, what shoes you're wearing, or why you're whining about how you're going to be in hell while volunteering to help people less fortunate than you (btw, if you're that worried, just don't go--on a side note, glad you got the hotel).


Blogger Gina said...

Hey, I was just concerned with the no alcohol thing. How you would have liked me coming back without your Caffrey's!

7:33 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

Hey, I was just concerned with the no alcohol thing. How you would have liked me coming back without your Caffrey's!

7:33 AM  
Blogger TennesseeJed said...

You'll quickly go back a few steps back in my book if you come back without it! Why do you think I'm so happy you got the hotel? Now I just need to hope you don't take our beer money and move to LA!

10:46 AM  

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