Monday, October 01, 2007

Great weekend

Just wanted to post quick about this past weekend, it was all any guy that's been married for almost 13 years can hope for. Woke up Saturday with the news that I would have the house to myself all day, which was perfect since I had gotten Halo 3 on Friday. So, after a couple hours of "cleaning" (why the should see me clean!), I got online and played Halo for a few hours with a friend of mine from Texas. Halo 3 allows for multiplayer, online coop...which if you know what that is you're a geek, it's true. Did that until it was time to take my daughter to inPlay with her class from school at 6pm. Not that I enjoy watching 12 year old girls play video games, but it was great because I just sat in the bar with a couple other dads watching the USC game drinking beer. Hey, I'm not out to win dad of the year here!

Sunday was more Halo 3, but not as much...had to watch the Bears game, luckily my afternoon nap lasted through the 4th quarter and I missed Detroit's 5 TD's. Then I slept through the Simpson's, Family Guy, American Dad, and whatever else was on from 6:45-9:00 during my evening nap.

When Sam woke me up at 9 telling me she was going to bed, I did get up long enough to verify with Keri that I was in the dog house for wasting the weekend on the couch, then fell asleep again around 9:10pm.

All in all, about what one could hope games, football, beer!